She's a Keeper...


Beekeeping Information & Services

Wanna talk bees? Jennifer hosts a monthly Bee Salon for folks to learn about beekeeping in an outdoor, hands-on setting.  There is no better way to learn this practice than by looking over someone's shoulder and asking questions. 

Jennifer also offers classes and workshops, as well as one-on-one mentoring for local hobbyists. (Until COVID is managed, we are suspending all group events.)

Collaborating with Bees

B COde Biological 3d printer

B COde Biological 3d printer

While in residence at Autodesk's Pier 9 workshop, Jennifer worked on advancing the use of new technologies in the making and monitoring of hives. 

Products From the Hive

2020 Nucleus colonies and queens are available now.  Jennifer’s queens are raised from her best locally adapted, disease resistant genetic stock.  Products from the hive. Small batch seasonal honeys, beeswax, and propolis are all available at the Woolly Egg Ranch, our main Marin apiary.

Beekeeping Science

 Bees have never had a tougher time surviving. Jennifer brings her scientific background into her beekeeping.  This means employing the latest in scientific methods, selective breeding, and the development of remote instrumentation to monitor hives.